Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hindutwa - True Secularism

Secularism! What a fabulous word in Indian Democracy!! But, when you ask someone what it means, most of would answer Secularism is being neutral in terms of religion. But does that explain the basics of Secularism?

In my school days I had learnt in the books of History and Civics which said – Secularism is tolerance, and respect towards other religion and people following particular religion. Secularism is something which India has been following from the Vedic period. There has been a saying that India believes from ages – “Vasudeva Kutumbakam”, which means the world is a family.
The name “India” was inherited from the word “Sindhu” one of the sacred epic river. People from this part of the world were called “Hindus”. Gradually, the Greeks, the Mongolians, the Mughals and many of the foreign invaders entered India and set their base in India. They also bought religious leaders into the country, who introduced Islam to the Indian soil. Many weaker section of the country got converted to the Islam and followed the preaching of Mohammed Paigambar.

The era of East India Companies started with the entry of Portuguese, French, Dutch and the British. In the course of time the Companies tried to set a monopoly in the market. Then, they discovered the invaluable wealth that India has and fell in the greed to conquer it. Gradually, they started conquering the small states that prevailed in India and finally became the Kings of India. As always, Darwin’s Theory – “Survival of the Fittest” showed its existence again. The British became the undisputed Kings of the Great India (Other than small parts of India like Pondicherry which remained in the hands of French and Goa in the hands of Portuguese) – Thanks to our impotent rulers of that era. Gradually, the Christian Missionaries stated flowing into the country and started their preaching by Jesus.

The 2 paragraphs above show how we respected and entertained other religions which were not originated from India (though there are different schools of thought who still believe Christianity and Islam are one and the same, Christianity is another version of Buddhism – but none have got a solid proof yet). India adhered to the belief it had on “Vasudeva Kutumbakam”, currently known as Secularism. It is also called “Dharma Sahishnu” which means tolerance towards other Dharma or Religion.

But, what is Secularism today? Where it stands in India today? It has just become a game plan to create Vote Banks for most of the Political Parties to win the race of General Elections. A country which had driven the thought of “The World is a Family” is not able to make itself a family. People are fighting on the grounds of religion, caste, creed and what not.
What is the reason for this? The Christian Missionaries and the Masjids who are frequently trying to attack the ancient Hinduism, if not physically but playing mind games. Secularism says tolerance to other religion. But the Christian and Muslim leaders are not tolerating the existence of Hinduism and trying to convert people to their religion and they as well as the people who support them are called the Seculars. Any effort to stop this or protest this is called communalism. The organization like VHP, Bajarangadal and organizations which support these like RSS and BJP are called communalists. These organizations are just trying safeguard and correct mishaps that have happened in the past.

The day people understand this truth the Secularism finds its true meaning. Our nation can progress to the level it deserves. It’s time for every rational citizen to decide what is right and what is wrong. The Secularism should be the key to unity and not divide and rule. People who have read and understood the Indian History in the right sense will know the consequences of Divide and Rule policy of the rulers. Dear Indian, wake up and give the call of unity and support the person (physical or virtual) who aims for Unified India, Vibrant India, Glorious India!!!

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